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What He Likes

---SuperZero--- likes pie. He is one of them random people, but not as random as Newo. He also likes to not spend lots of time writing up things like these. That is why it is so basic and boring. You could stop reading, but then you wouldn't know if I am lying. [Without scrolling down :P]


---SuperZero--- also likes the randomness of pie, even though he has never eaten it, and like many other foods, has decided it tastes bad, without even trying it. He still doesn't know why he is telling you, so, lucky you.

Picture of pie

---[Picture removed because it was too awsome]---

In a fight, who would win [REAL LIFE]

SuperZero vs. KyoukiPichi = SuperZero wins
SuperZero vs. XD003 = well, obiously, SuperZero wins
SuperZero vs. Abwayax = He is older than me, and would probably threaten me before, so, he wins.
SuperZero vs. Kannon = SuperZero wins.
SuperZero vs. Proto = gah, who cares anymore? But, YOU WIN!