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User:Abwayax/Abwayax programming language/MagratheaScript.abwayax

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* MagratheaScript.abwayax
* An example of what a script for the GlitchBattle IRC client would look like.

on msg("*moo*","#glitchbattle") { %channels["#glitchbattle"]->msg("I see we have a cow among us."); };

on msg("!eval*") { eval("*chan->msg(\"Evaluation: \" + $2)"); };

on kick() { *chan->msg(*user->name + " got kicked"); };

alias identifyme { *nickserv->identify("MyPassword"); };

alias superkill { foreach(%users[*chan->name] As $name => *user) { *user->kill($1); }; };