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Gammapedia:Gammasphere TCG/Prototype 2

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Gammasphere TCG Prototype 2 is the second prototype of the Gammasphere TCG.

Unlike Prototype 1, GSTCG-P2 isn't a serious game, and a typical match would probably go something like this.


See Dramatica:4chan battlecards#Rules for a general idea

What's on a card


All cards have these attributes, which are anywhere from 0 to 20:

  • Humor, which is the humor of the entity depicted on the card
  • Intelligence, which is the intelligence
  • Memes, which is the entity's knowledge of internet memes
  • Leet Hax, which is basically coolness, I guess
  • Kung Foo, the entity's skill at computer programming

The total (maximum of 100) and average (max of 20) are also displayed. Also note that the total/average might not actually be the total/average of the attributes, for reasons shown in the "etc etc".


Cards also have icons that depict "skillz". For example, a card about Izwzyzx would have a Metroid Prime Hunters icon or something.

Etc etc

There's also etc etc, or extra stuff about the card.

What if there's a card that I want added?

Simple. Add it. Gammapedia is a wiki.

But what if it's too overpowered?

Go ahead. Power really has no bearing on whether or not it wins, I think.

What if it's lame?

Then it gets deleted off the site.

Card list