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Gammaman Theme Song v.3


There once was a Man!!
He was no ordinary Man!!
He was an Extraordinary Man!!
He was Gammaman!!

Gammaman is the man who can!!

Gammaman the Green Guy!!
He is so awesome, I cannot lie!!
Gammaman can fly!!
Gammaman can reach the sky!!
But Gammaman cannot die!! (or can he?)

When evil brings forth its plan,
Earth calls upon one man.
One man! Just one man.

Gammaman is so freakin 1337!!
Gammaman cannot be beat!!
Gammaman owns all your base!!
And Gammaman pwnz0rz teh FACE!

When there is a tough job,
Don't call Joe or Mike or Bob!
Call upon the man...
The man who can...

And now Jax's version of the song...

The Earth fell into a deadly duel!
no one was a fool!
They called...

A man with a plan!
with 1337ness!
makes sure Earth's loveless!

A flying Guy!
who'll never lie!
even if you smell!
he will tell..

He reaches the sky!
That Gammaman guy!
He'll never be beat!
beat you and your leet!

He'll never die!
that's not a lie!
he's pure superhero!
not a...

5, 4, 3 ,2 ,1!

It's Gamma Time!!


  • I'm not sure where the different sections should go. In the original draft, the last two were switched (so it ended with "pwnz0rz teh face")
  • Feel free to improve. This IS a wiki after all! :)